BMWC (CR) ’23.

Bullmastiff World Cup 03.09.2023.

Perhaps the most important dog show for the breed. As every year, the  best world’s judges evaluate the dogs in detail, and the competition is exceptional in every class. It is precisely for these reasons that the achieved results have a great weight.

Toto Riina – V3 at junior class;

Judge Roni Oma (AU)

Too many tears in my eyes – V3 at intermediate class;

Judge Jurgen Sauer (DE)


Možda najznačajnija izložba pasa za rasu. Kao i svake godine, najbolje svetske sudije vrše detaljno ocenjivanje pasa, a konkurencija je izuzetna u svakom razredu. Upravo iz tih razloga postignuti rezultati imaju veliku težinu

Toto Riina – V3 u razredu mladih;

Sudija Roni Oma (AU)

Too many tears in my eyes – V3 u razredu intermedia;

Sudija Jurgen Sauer (DE)