WDS ’24.

WDS, Zagreb (CR) 28.04.2024.

Our first competition at WDS. A lot of work and effort was invested in order to present ourselves worthy of such a big competition. The result shows that everything was worth it and gives motivation for the future.

Toto – R.CAC;

Judge Denis Kuzelj (SL)

Thanks to Milan Jovic for the excellent handling of Toto


Naše prvo nadmetanje na Svetskoj izložbi pasa. Mnogo rada i truda uloženo da bi smo se dostojno prikazali na tako velikom takmičevu. Rezultat govori da je sve vredelo i daje motivaciju za budućnost.

Toto – R.CAC;

Sudija Denis Kuzelj (SL)

Zahvalnost Milanu Joviću na izvanrednom izlaganju Tota.